To Contact Bruce L. Farrow-Smith:

I like hearing from you and try, if not always successfully, to answer within a week of receiving your message. That said, there are guidelines with which any such contact must comply.

Please don’t send your manuscripts asking they be read. If you allow this explanation, that mandate should be less obnoxious than it sounds. If I read something and later publish an even vaguely similar story, character or twist, you will sue me. If you ignore this guideline, your work will find home in the recycle bin. 

If you want a book signed I will do that happily, if you include return postage. If you do not, I will make a reasonable attempt to contact you with a request for same. If you ignore that request, I will assume you have sent the book to me so that I might add it to my library. Please know you send books at your own risk!   Insure them! 

If this sounds unfriendly, please know that is not my intent. I enjoy hearing from you, please send me your comments.

To get in touch with me for any reason that does not include the aforementioned issues or for selling me something, you may submit your comments in the message field below or write to:

info [at] blf-s [dot] com

Please remember to convert the anti-spam [at] and [dot] into to the appropriate '@' and '.' characters.

To make a comment about the website, or to report a problem, please complain vociferously and with a great deal of indignation to:

support [at] blf-s [dot] com

(But please, support-related queries only to that address. Everything else to the 'info' address.)

Should you wish to get me directly use bruce [at] blf-s [dot] com

8110 Wolf Jaw Cv.
Austin, TX 78729

Phone: 512.221.5506

Thanks for filling out form!